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We are seeking $75,000 from potential investors for a 15% stake in our company. This ask is to initiate the acquirement of our VR headsets and provide training to our on-site instructors. Investments will also be used to develop and implement a marketing plan to target K-12 schools in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.  Beginning in the Lower Mainland, we will strategize to expand our team to reach K-12 schools in the BC regions of Vancouver Island, the Interior and Northern BC. Investors will also be provided with an added opportunity to feature their logos branded on our VR headsets.

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Based of the High Tech, High Tech (HTHT) model of in-class learning, ExploreVR seeks to further expand our venture into the global market.  The HTHT market serves over 16 million children in 12 countries annually, demonstrating the opportunity for our company to explore franchising potential to  increase future revenue. With a simple home-based business model, ExploreVR mimics this franchising model with this investment potential. The HTHT franchise partners have a net worth exceeding $175k US with a franchise fee of $52k US (not including additional start-up expenses). This provides franchisees with exclusive geographic access to a designated population. Using this model, franchises have the potential of earning an ongoing monthly royalty of 7% of gross monthly sales. 

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Become part of the future of EdTech in BC and join us in this exciting VR venture!

2022 UBC MET Street

Vancouver, BC  ABC 123


We look forward to connecting with you!

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